Accelerate Delivery Time with Delivery Planning System


Accelerate Delivery Time with Delivery Planning System

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The holiday season makes consumer demand increase. As consumer expectations continue to rise, it is increasingly important for companies to meet consumer needs quickly, in order to maximize profits during the holiday season. One of the reasons for the profit decline during the holiday season is consumer dissatisfaction due to shipping delays.

Who are consumers blaming for shipping delays?


1. Plan the most optimal route

The shortest travel route and a clear estimated delivery time will make it easier for field agents to ensure a timely delivery.

2. Delivery management automation

Automation helps ensure a seamless delivery process, from allowing products to be processed on the same day they are ordered, monitoring shipments in real-time, and ensuring staff productivity matches company targets.


The Advotics Delivery Planning System automatically provides delivery notes complete with items that need to be carried, vehicles that can be used, courier names, travel routes, and destinations. The system can also provide the best delivery route with complex constraints, such as vehicle capacity according to the needs of the goods to be carried, scheduled couriers are not on-leave, etc.

3. App for field agents

The app allows constant communication between office supervisors and field agents. In addition to schedules, routes, and GPS navigation, the app can also assist supervisors in detecting delivery delays such as bad weather, broken car tires, and other problems, so that case escalation can be accelerated and deliveries are not late.

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