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Good Manufacturing Practices: Definition, Indicators, and Benefits

Good Manufacturing Practices: Definition, Indicators, and Benefits

Table of Contents

In the food and beverages production process, there are guidelines to ensure products are still in good quality when reaching consumers. These guidelines are known as Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP). What does GMP mean and how does it work in practice for the industry? Read this article to learn more!

Definition of Good Manufacturing Practices

Good manufacturing practices are guidelines used to prevent contamination of processed food biologically, chemically/physically, which can disturb, harm, and endanger human health. Good Manufacturing Practices are intended for the food processing industry to produce high-quality products for consumption. In addition, GMP aims to increase the competitiveness of the food processing industry and increase the productivity and efficiency of the food processing industry.

The GMP (in Indonesian, CPPOB) is also regulated in The Minister of Industry Regulation No. 75/M-IND/PER/7/2010 

Good Manufacturing Practices include:

  • Materials used in production and the final products must be stored properly to avoid quality and safety deterioration.
  • The materials must be kept in a hygienic space that is free of pests, has constant airflow, the right temperature, and enough lighting.
  • To prevent mistakes that could cause food harm, the distribution procedure must be carefully watched. Boost your distribution process right now! 
  • Containers and lifting tools are made with consideration of preserving humidity and temperature while preventing product contamination.

Good Manufacturing Practices Indicators


The basic thing that needs to be applied before applying the Good Manufacturing Practices is building commitment among all company stakeholders, from owners, leaders, and employees. Success in implementing GMP standards requires the cooperation of all human resources in the company.

Solid Team

After the commitment between stakeholders is built, form a solid team, and appoint a person in charge who’s capable to lead the team.

Reference Standards & Indicators

Apply reference standards according to the company’s capabilities. Starting from production facilities, design, and product storage space. Companies also need to apply indicators to reduce fatal errors in the production process.

Benefits of Good Manufacturing Practices

Several benefits will be obtained if the company follows the Good Manufacturing Practices standards, including:

Maintain Consumer Safety

When entrepreneurs can apply GMP properly, the output will be high-quality final products that are related to consumer safety. 

Building Consumer Trust

Consumers’ trust will gradually grow as they see the positive quality of the products created.

Product Knowledge for Consumers

Customers have a right to information about the products they buy. They may easily access crucial information about the product’s ingredients, expiration dates, production dates, and much more.

Maintain Company Brand Image

High product quality and consumer trust are correlated with company image. 

These are the factors related to Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP). To prevent a product’s value from declining once it reaches customers, it’s crucial to pay attention to the product’s quality from the manufacturing phase to the distribution process.

Find out more about the food and beverages distribution process in Indonesia by downloading Advotics Whitepaper: Logistics Challenges in the Pharmaceutical & Food-Beverage Industry. Click here to find out various distribution solutions for your business.