Sales Lead Pipeline Management


Sales Pipeline Lead Management

Table of Contents

Apa itu Sales Leads dan Lead Management

Sales leads adalah data calon pembeli produk atau layanan. Perusahaan mendapatkan prospek penjualan melalui iklan (online dan offline), pameran, press release, webinar, partner/customer referral, dll. Setelah itu, tim sales akan menggunakan data kontak prospek tersebut untuk mengirimkan sales pitch email, panggilan telepon, atau bahkan kunjungan meeting.

Lead management adalah proses mendata informasi prospek, melacak interaksi dengan tim sales (chat, telepon, email, kunjungan, marketing campaign), mengidentifikasi apakah customer siap untuk penjualan, hingga akhirnya membeli produk.

Baca lebih lanjut: Lead Management 101: Teknik Closing Prospek yang Efektif

Pain Points Mengelola Prospek

Banyak prospek yang dihasilkan melalui marketing campaign sering hilang karena terbuang atau diabaikan. Hal ini dapat menimbulkan kerugian yang besar karena biaya yang dikeluarkan untuk iklan tidaklah sedikit.

Jika kontak prospek tidak terbuang, prospek juga kadang lambat dalam mendapatkan respons dari tim sales. Menurut studi, jika prospek tidak menerima respons dalam beberapa jam hingga satu hari, mereka akan beralih ke kompetitor.

Lead management dapat membantu perusahaan dalam mendata semua prospek yang masuk. Sehingga, tidak ada lagi tim sales yang lupa menghubungi kontak prospek, tim sales membawa pergi kontak, ataupun kontak hilang terselip di dalam excel sheet.

Lead Management untuk Produsen dan Distributor

Selain menjual produk ke toko-toko sebagai reseller, produsen dan distributor juga menjual produk ke konsumen skala besar/industri, misalnya:

    • Bahan konstruksi dijual ke proyek pembangunan gedung/jalan/dll.
    • Bahan makanan dijual ke restoran/hotel/produsen lain
    • Bahan baku industri dijual ke perusahaan lain

Karena berhubungan dengan perusahaan, proses penjualan B2B lebih lambat, kompleks, dan membutuhkan lebih banyak diskusi.

Sebuah perusahaan dapat berdiskusi hingga berbulan-bulan sebelum mencapai sebuah keputusan pembelian. Namun, di lain sisi, penjualan B2B bernilai jauh lebih tinggi dibanding penjualan toko. Maka dari itu, sistem Leads Management semakin lebih dibutuhkan karena setiap prospek yang hilang akan berdampak besar ke profit dan relasi perusahaan.

Advotics Lead Management

Lead management Advotics memiliki fitur-fitur yang komprehensif cocok untuk semua jenis bisnis. Untuk para principal dan distributor, tim sales Anda dapat mengkonversi lebih banyak prospek menjadi customer dalam waktu yang lebih singkat. Sistem memberikan visibilitas yang detail mulai dari informasi prospek hingga analisis keseluruhan.


Fitur Unggulan 

    • Membagi leads ke setiap status/stages penjualannya berikut total nilai potensi pendapatan di setiap tahapan
    • User dapat mengatur nama untuk setiap stage penjualan sesuai dengan terms internal perusahaan
    • Detail lengkap interaksi leads dengan staf sales (hasil meeting, telepon, diskusi, dll)
    • Fitur pengingat to do aktivitas selanjutnya (follow up call, submit proposal, dll.)
    • Bisa diakses melalui mobile apps dan web portal
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Sales Pipeline Lead Management


Sales Pipeline Lead Management

Table of Contents

What is Sales Lead and Lead Management?

Sales leads are data about potential and prospecting buyers of products or services. Companies get sales prospects through advertising (online and offline ads), trade shows, exhibitions, press releases, webinars, partner/customer referrals, etc. Then, the sales team will use the prospect’s contact data to send sales pitch emails, phone calls, or even meeting visits.

Lead management is the process of collecting prospect information, tracking interactions with the sales team (chat, phone, email, visits, marketing campaigns), identifying whether the customer is ready for sales, and finally, product purchase.

Read more: Lead Management 101: Effective Lead Closing Techniques

Pain Points in Managing Prospects

Many of the leads generated through marketing campaigns are often wasted because they are lost or ignored. This can cause huge losses because the costs incurred for advertising are not small.

If the prospect’s contact is not dismissed, the sales team is sometimes slow in giving a response. According to studies, if a prospect doesn’t receive any response within a few hours to a day, they will turn to a competitor instead.

Lead management can help companies record all incoming prospects. So, there is no longer a sales team who forgets to contact prospects anymore, brings away a contact list with them, or missing contact list in excel sheets.

Lead Management for Manufacturers and Distributors

In addition to selling products to shops as resellers, manufacturers and distributors also sell products to large-scale/industrial consumers, for example:

    • Construction materials to build buildings/roads/etc
    • Food ingredients for restaurants/hotels/producers
    • Industrial raw materials sold to other companies

Because it deals with companies, the B2B sales process is slower, more complex, and requires more discussion.

A company can discuss for months before reaching a buying decision. However, on the other hand, B2B sales are worth much more than regular B2C store sales. Therefore, the Lead Management system is increasingly needed because every lost prospect will have a major impact on company profits and relationships.

Advotics Lead Management

Lead management in Advotics Distribution Management System has comprehensive features suitable for all types of businesses. For principals and distributors, your sales team can convert more prospects into customers in less time. The system provides detailed visibility from lead information to overall analysis.


Featured Features

    • Dividing leads into each sales status/stage along with the total value of potential revenue at each stage
    • User can set a name for each sales stage according to the company’s internal terms
    • Complete details of interactions with sales staff (meeting results, telephone calls, discussions, etc.)
    • Features to remind the sales team of the next activity (follow-up calls, submit proposals, etc.)
    • Can be accessed via mobile apps and the web portal
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